Please use the guide to the right

januar 15, 2009

I have sorted out my posts into categories.

Some of the categories are written in Norwegian, and well, if you do not understand, I can assure you that the the categories about Mac and Apple in general are written in English.

Thank you, WordPress!

januar 19, 2009

Today I received a mail notifying me that the problem in this blog is now fixed. Thank you WordPress!
But in the past days, I’ve had much spare time on my hands, and I need a blog to fill up with chit chat. I’ve recently been operated and have taken out my tonsils. The last year has been a real «beach». Throat infection as I believe it is called in plain.

Anywho! I have my own domain and have started using a WordPress blog on it. So with no further adieu, I give you –

My current blog at RubenMolnes.Net



iTunes and their support

januar 15, 2009


A few days before christmas (with no capital letter), I purchased a song and got double charged for it. I do not know how I managed to do this, but that was the case, and it appeared on the bill I got from iTunes.

It did not take me a long time to file a complaint about the double purchase. And minutes later, I got a positive letter from Mark, an employee at iTunes support staff. He told me that my 8 NOK (Norwegian) was refunded, and I would get the credit of one song whenever I choose to buy more at their music store.

To be charged double for a song, is not much, but double is enough for me to complain a bit. And if you share my point of view, I was glad to meet such understanding with the support of iTunes. Of course, I expected such and outcome too, but still. It could have been much more painful. Even for one simple song.

Thank you Mark!

– Ruben